Tag Purpose

What Will You Do?


Wow, it’s the last Sunday of September. What a year! This painting by Alexandra Karakashian has captured the year for me. Today’s subject was inspired by an elder of mine who would ask me, “What have you done recently with your position…

The Power Of Persistence


Good morning friends Generally, this letter’s open rates exceed the industry average by >40%. Last week’s letter on good leadership exceeded even that. On Tuesday morning I sent out a mail asking whether you’d like more social media engagement from me. Two…

How to rebuild: The Lego Story


There are forty days until the end of the year. We all thought last year would be tough, but this year has been harder. Many of us have been ill, some of us had existential struggles for physical survival under…

Lessons from Jim Collins


Good morning everyone I wrote today’s letter from bed. Generally, my week is made up of a trilogy of foundational habits – yoga, meditation, journaling – overlain with regular dips into great fiction. In the last 10 days, I have…