Tag Tim Ferriss

Build Your Life


Good morning everyone We’re in March. I had planned this week’s letter to focus on the tweaks we can make to our work-lives to alleviate stress and burnout. However, I think we’re all a little gatvol of feeling gatvol (my international readers, please ask…

What Will You Do?


Wow, it’s the last Sunday of September. What a year! This painting by Alexandra Karakashian has captured the year for me. Today’s subject was inspired by an elder of mine who would ask me, “What have you done recently with your position…

To Trust or Not To Trust


“You must trust and believe in people or life becomes impossible.” Chekhov’s words have always resonated with me. And yet, I often encounter leaders whose mantra is that trust must be earned. In the cut-and-thrust of corporate life my turning…

Lessons from Jim Collins


Good morning everyone I wrote today’s letter from bed. Generally, my week is made up of a trilogy of foundational habits – yoga, meditation, journaling – overlain with regular dips into great fiction. In the last 10 days, I have…

Lessons from Ken Burns


Good morning everyone   Over the past week I have been overwhelmed by the countless news articles and consultant reports on the economic gloom that we are in and the depression that is likely to deepen. Understanding the reality of…

The start of lockdown


Happy Sunday Everyone It is a privilege to be connecting with you in this moment. Thank you for helping me feel part of something bigger than myself. In his book, Dark Nights of the Soul, psychologist Thomas Moore says “The…

Focus: Do Just One Thing


Happy Sunday Everyone It is stupefying to think that 3 weeks ago, I was writing a ‘back to it all’ letter and today the first month of the new decade has almost ended. I have had several comments from readers…

Feeling Blue About Budgets?


Hi All Given that it’s the start of a new year, in fact of a new decade, this week’s newsletter is focussed on the things that typically get in the way of making headway with those new year’s resolutions –…