Tag Business Case Study

#192: Tools of Freedom


Dear Friends Personal effectiveness is a prerequisite for impact. No change can happen unless we are self-aware and self-generating. For it to be more than anxious busyness, it must be yoked to vision and strategy, which in turn are only meaningful…

#127: Evolving Your Life


Dear friends Thank you for your caring messages after last week’s letter. Your generous responses reminded me of this line from Jerry Colonna’s Reboot “When leaders, parents, lovers choose to share the reality of their heart, it gives everyone in their lives…

#122: You Will Fail. It’s Okay.


Good morning friends Before contemplating failure, let’s warm ourselves with some success… Vusi Beauchamp’s solo show “The Cult of One” will open in New York in September. It is his debut in that city, so is an exciting milestone in his…



I started building my coaching practice a mere six months before the pandemic hit our world. It’s meant that I have had this peculiar experience of creating a new way of living and working during an extraordinarily unstable time. All…

Being You In Business


I am convinced that aeons ago the deities of the Kalahari and Antarctica came to a grudging agreement regarding Cape Town. The summer months would be time for the spirits of heat to dance through our streets. Some days it…

Creating Growth


Good morning everyone Today’s letter is coming to you from The Beach Hut in Paternoster where we are ending off my birthday week. It was a fun week of celebrations that started with tapas at Pinchos, where we reminisced about Barcelona whilst enjoying…

The Power Of Knowing Who You Are


Good morning Today’s letter might seem like a peculiar marriage, a sports apparel company and an award-winning author and activist. Yet, as I reflected on the Nike’s and Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o’s stories, it struck me that there was a golden…